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What is Yoga and Meditation and how can you implement it in your life?

I was one of you who used to have very busy schedule and rarely had time for some physical exercises. This caused me to have some serious effect on my both physical and mental health. 
But as I started doing Yoga and Meditation I myself felt a great change within me and found it worthful to practice in our day to day life. 
You might have followed several books or blogs on Yoga and Meditation but this one can be a life changing for you as I’ve written this after it really had some good impact for my sound health.
 Considering this let’s dive into “What is Yoga and Meditation and how you can implement it in your life?”

Yoga and Meditation is the art and science of systematically observing, accepting, understanding, and training each of the levels of our being, such that we may coordinate and integrate those aspects of ourselves, and dwell in the direct experience of the center of consciousness. 
There are enormous benefits that one can get after practicing it. Some of the benefits of practicing Yoga and Meditation are as follows: -

1.Yoga for stress relief

Doing yoga surely helps to get relief from the stress because it accumulates both mind and the body. Yoga postures and meditation are effective techniques to release stress.

2.Yoga for inner peace

It is off course that we all love to visit peaceful, serene spots, rich in natural beauty. And actually, peace can be found within our-self. For an example: -we take vacation from our hectic schedule to get relief from work, in the same way we can give time for yoga to keep our mind calm and creative.
 It is the best method to control a disturbed mind.

3.Yoga to improve immunity

Our system is without doubt combination of the body, mind and spirit. Mind and body are closely connected with each other.
 For example an irregularity in the body affects the mind and similarly a restlessness in mind affects the body. 
Yoga poses help to massage organs and strengthens muscles, breathing techniques whereas meditation release stress and improve immunity

4.Yoga for better relationship

Yoga helps in improving relationship with our friends, family, near and dear ones. A mind that is calm, happy and creative has an ability to deal with difficult relationship matters.
 Yoga and meditation keeps the mind happy and peaceful. And we can see the results among people around us as the bond gets closer and closer.

5.Yoga to increase energy

Do you feel completely drained by the end of the day? Going through unpleasant, and multitasking works continuously can be quite exhausting. 

Therefore a few minutes of yoga everyday provides the much-needed fillip that boosts our energy and keeps us fresh. 
Just a few minutes of practice of yoga and meditation is all you need to charge you up, in the middle of a hectic day. 

To achieve such benefits, I recommend you to follow the procedures mentioned below which I followed and helped change my life.

  1.Creating a Meditative Environment

    -Select a quiet environment
    - Choose a spot with sunlight, cooling, and fresh air
    - Time your meditation sessions around meals
    - Do some light stretching or exercising

  2.Performing Poses Suited to Meditation

    -Sit upright
    - Practice deep breathing techniques
    -Practice the Samasthiti
    -Try the cow pose
    - Perform the vajrasana
    - Try Ujjayi Breathing

 3.Focusing on the Body, Mind, and Beyond

    - Dissolve away distractions
    - Reflect on your body
    - Discipline your mind to focus
    - Concentrate on a singular object
    - Open your eyes slowly etc.

Remember, yoga is a continuous process. So we need to keep practicing it. The deeper you go into your yoga practice, the more profound will be its benefits. It helps to develop the body and mind and bring a lot of health benefits. It should be done under the supervision of a trained teacher or professionals.
